For mysterious reasons, Alexander Fox forsakes his American life and arrives in a small idyllic country called Andorra. Settling into the grand (and only) hotel in its seaside capital, the attractive newcomer soon finds himself entangled with its residents – an Australian couple who share a first name, a gigantic dog, and a volatile secret; the ancient lady with a lifetime lease on the hotel’s penthouse; and a kayaking matriarch with a daughter nursing a painful past. But the mystery of his own origin deepens, and the local detective seems strangely convinced that Alexander has something to do with the dead body found floating in the harbour.
Jump Street Films has optioned Peter Cameron’s acclaimed novel for the screen. A sumptuous, elegant thriller and dark comedy of manners, playing out against a surrealist dreamscape where nothing is as it appears, The New Yorker hails ANDORRA as “a marvelous mood piece about lying and truth telling, escape and discovery”.